Assisting every day people, governments and international organisations to eradicate dog-transmitted rabies by 2030.
Rabies is 99.99% Fatal AND 100% Preventable
Rabies kills someone every 10 minutes – most of whom are children under fifteen years old.
Why Eradicate Rabies
Rabies is a horrendous way for animals and humans to die. Once the virus reaches the brain there is no cure. Symptoms of human rabies include fever, self-harm, hysteria and hallucinations. Although the affected person is desperately thirsty they cannot drink. This hydrophobia (fear of water) is so intense that water can elicit seizures in the sufferer. Throughout, the patient will have periods of perfect clarity so they know what is happening. These and other symptoms can continue for two to ten days. Even in our modern times, victims are restrained and/or sedated until their inevitable death.
Vaccine Available Since 1885
Louie Pasteur developed the rabies vaccine in 1885 by collecting saliva samples from living, rabid dogs. He worked alongside colleagues and a loaded revolver so if anyone was bitten by a rabid dog, the bravest one would shoot him immediately. Yet rabies remains in over 150 countries. The WHO reports 59,000 rabies deaths a year. This figure is profoundly underestimated but still means a rabies death every 9-10 minutes. Deaths are mainly children in communities who lack rabies education and resources.
What We Do
Helping To Eradicate Rabies Worldwide
With the help of everyday people, governments and other international organisations to eradicate dog-transmitted rabies by 2030.

1. Raising Global Awareness
Today, we live in a globally interconnected world. There has never been a better time to assist the World Health Organisation (WHO), the World Animal Health Organisation (OIE), Global Alliance For Rabies Control (GARC) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in their mission to eradicate dog-transmitted rabies by 2030. The more people become rabies aware, the more people we have contributing to eradication however they can. Rabies eradication becomes real.
As everyday people, we can share the story of rabies. That it is 99.9% fatal but 100% preventable. How rabies it is a forgotten disease still very much present in the world; that rabies may be the origin of the werewolf and vampire myths; that the ‘hair of the dog’ expression for a hangover cure originated from an ancient rabies cure. Let’s get the conversation going and eradicate rabies worldwide
2. Providing Resources and Education in Developing Countries
To eradicate rabies (one village at a time) through education, dog vaccination and the up-skilling of local animal and human health workers.
We have a waiting list of villages wanting to be free of rabies.
The Erovaat Program
Training One Village At A Time
Before a village is eligible for the EROVAAT program, the villagers have a meeting and commit to becoming a rabies free village. We provide the resources and education for the first round vaccinations. Subsequent vaccination and education campaigns are done by the community’s veterinary staff. This makes the program truly sustainable as it is not dependent on external resources to continue.
We teach everyone from the youngest child to village chief about rabies, and visit associated schools and hospitals.
We staff teaches the animal health worker, human health worker and local community veterinarians the necessary skills and information to vaccinate the dogs going forward.
The first rabies vaccinations are provided and given by EROVAAT staff with the animal health workers and local government vets participating.
Important from an animal welfare perspective and for rabies eradication. If multiple dogs are regularly having puppies, the number of vaccinated dogs may drop below the effective rate of 70%.
Please Make A Donation
Although deadly, rabies is 100% preventable by vaccinating animals and people. Due to effective vaccination, education and surveillance programmes, many developed countries around the world have successfully eliminated rabies and maintained a rabies-free status.
Rabies is 100% Preventable
Get Involved
Join The Global Campaign

How To Make A Difference
Talk About Rabies in person and online to help bring rabies into mainstream awareness.
Make a Donation Whatever you can manage does make a difference and is greatly appreciated.
Contact Us with your thoughts, feedback, or how you’re able to help.

How To Make A Difference
Offer Skills There are a broad range of technical skills that would be super helpful and would mean all of our funds go directly to the program, not admin. Please contact us to offer your time and expertise.
Make a Donation Whatever you can manage does make a difference and is greatly appreciated.
Keep Informed Subscribe to our newsletter for updates about events and our progress.
Contact Us with your thoughts, feedback, or how you’re able to help.
Help End Preventable Suffering and Death
of Animals & People
Rabies is 99.9% Fatal and 100% Preventable
(vaccine available since 1885)